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KAIROS prision ministry is an ecumenical ministry in which volunteers of many Christian faith groups gather to bring Christ to the incarcerated. The focus of the volunteers is in presenting our common Christian beliefs as brothers and sisters in Christ to a group of inmates who may or may not have a belief in Jesus Christ. We share the "Good News" of Christ. Several of our volunteers also minister to inmates by conducting classes, religious services, or mentoring programs under the supervision of the Chaplaincy.  We are always looking for volunteers, both from those who have completed 3 day programs and from those who have not yet done so. If you could be interested, check the How can I help or contact us page for more information. Go to the "Roots of Kairos" to read the story of the Kairos ministry.

Below is a quick tour of the basic elements of the Kairos-Estes ministry.

Kairos Weekend - Twice a year a diverse group of forty-two inmates are to attend the Kairos weekend. These active and willing participants attend the weekend activities which begin on Thursday evening and conclude at a closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon. They come for many different reasons - curiosity, conviction, cookies! - but for three days they are treated with Christian care and intellectual respect. Nothing is forced, nothing is contrived, nothing is manipulated. Both those going inside the Unit as well as the support (Outside) team, join together for five training sessions prior to the Weekend to unify their hearts and minds in Christ. Kairos Weekends present the love of Jesus Christ for all men and the Good News that salvation is freely offered to all sinners. There is music, food, fellowship, and the opportunity for all participants to reflect on their past and make meaningful changes for their future!

Kairos Instructional - The weekend participants are invited to gather shortly after the weekend to be instructed in the basic format of the Prayer & Share services which are available weekly..

Kairos Prayer & Share - Each Tuesday the Kairos graduates gather and conduct the Prayer & Share which is truly the heart of Kairos and the real reason for the Kairos weekend. The inmates themselves will renew their understanding of Christ's salvation and grow their faith with one another's prayers and support. They will learn leadership and discipleship skills and how to function in faith as a part of the larger body of Christ. Volunteers must be present in order for them to meet.

Kairos Reunion - On the third Tuesday of the each month a “reunion” which includes the Kairos free world volunteers is conducted. This is an opportunity for fellowship and encouragement for all of Kairos participants inside the Estes Unit.

Kairos Retreat - Twice a year Kairos volunteers conduct a one day retreat as a refresher courses on the basics of living a life for Jesus Christ.



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