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Frequently Asked Questions about joining the Kairos-Estes Team

1. How can I become a prison ministry volunteer?

Anyone interested in becoming a prison ministry volunteer for Kairos-Estes must complete an application and submit it to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Following approval, the applicant is required to take a four hour training session to become “state approved”. This status will allow for the person to participate as a Kairos Prison Ministry volunteer on the Inside team and attend monthly reunions that take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Also, volunteers for both Inside Team and Outside Support Team are expected to attend the Saturday training meetings prior to each Estes Weekend. See #4 below. Contact the current Team Leader for additional information. (see the MINISTRY page on this website.)

2. Why can only men serve on the Inside Team at Estes?

It is a Kairos rule that inside teams match the gender of the prison being served. For those who volunteer on the outside support team, participation by all is gratefully accepted.

3. What is involved in volunteering for an Outside Support Team?

The Outside Support Team prepares all of the meals for the 3-day Weekends for the 42 participants and the inside team members, who eat all of their meals within the prison. The team works out of First Baptist Church in Lillian, TX, with volunteers delivering the meals to the
prison. The support team also prepares the cookies, the “Agape” ( prayer chains, placemats, posters, meal tickets, and letters) which have been donated for the weekend. Each team member will be assigned to a team, such as the Breakfast Team or the Cookie Team.

4. What else is required of a volunteer?

It is important that all of the volunteers for both the Inside Team & Outside Support Team attend the five team training meetings as preparation for the weekends. Within these meetings important information is provided, such as individual work assignments, guidelines for volunteering within the Estes unit, practical tips, as well as team members getting to know each other as fellow Christians


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