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There are several kinds of donations needed by the Kairos ministry at Estes. Most of the needs of the ministry are listed on "How can I help?".

Your donations of prayers, materials such and posters, prayer chains, and your attendance at a closing all contribute to the efforts of the weekend teams.

Your donation of funds enables the Estes Kairos Ministry to continue and grow. If you are able to donate funds, the two methods below will enable you to do so.

The donation of your time, prayers, and love of God may inspire you to participate on a team. Please Contact Us of you think you may have an interest in serving the Holy Spirit by joining a Kairos team at Estes or another unit.

Each of you should give what you
have decided in your heart to give, 
not reluctantly or under compulsion, 
for God loves a cheerful giver.
-2 Corinthians 9:7

Kairos-Estes is a 100% volunteer organization.
Your tax-deductible donations will be used exclusively
to pay for proper and legitimate ministry expenses.

money jar
Mail your contributions to:

Kairos-Estes Prison Ministry
Estes Treasurer
P.O. Box 870
Venus, TX 76084

Thank you for your donation to the Kairos-Estes Prison Ministry.

Kairos-Estes is a 100% volunteer organization.
Your tax-deductible donations will be used exclusively
to pay for proper and legitimate ministry expenses.

The link below takes you to the
Kairos of Texas Donation site. If you are donating
to Estes, you will need to designate Estes Kairos.

At check, out look for:
Type in: "Estes Kairos" to send the donation to Estes.


Thank you for your donation to the Kairos-Estes Prison Ministry.

For additional information about any aspect of our prison ministry or finances,

please contact us by email at KairosAtEstes@gmail.com

Thank you for your support.


Send comments about this page to KairosAtEstes@gmail.com