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Below is a list of the things that need to be done virtually on a year round basis to prepare for the two Kairos-Estes Weekends for which our support team of volunteers trains and prepares diligently.


For specific details and guidelines regarding each of these important contribution categories, please find the information you need in the Volunteer's Guide (See Downloads & Links page) or feel free to contact us by email.



PRAYER: Your prayers are essential to the success of Kairos-Estes Weekends. Prayer is the one ingredient that ensures hearts will be open to His Word and for His will to be accomplished. Download and print the Prayer Chain. Please print these on color paper!


COOKIES: Homemade cookies by the hundreds! It's a Kairos brand that expresses God's grace to Kairos-Estes Weekend participants, guards, and administrative staff. Download and print the Cookie Guide.


LETTERS: Write a short letter to each of the 42 weekend participants to demonstrate the loving presence of the larger Christian community. The impact is truly transforming!


PLACEMATS: At each meal individually created place mats are provided as yet another outreach message of God's love. A great activity for Sunday schools, preschools, children and grandchildren! Blank Place-mats to color


POSTERS: These messages of love from the Body of Christ are designed to express the very tangible hope found in Jesus. A scripture, a greeting, or simply a hand print - all are most welcome!


SPONSOR AN INMATE: You can help an inmate come face-to-face with the love of God by financially sponsoring an individual for the weekend. Individuals and groups can help sponsor a new life in Christ.

PURCHASE A MEAL: By purchasing a meal ticket you provide a meaningful reminder that each meal has been purchased by a Christian on the outside as a direct expression of God's love. You can also sponsor a table for a meal. Suggested donation for meal tickes is $5 and Table sponsorships $30 but donation of any amount is appreciated.


ATTEND A CLOSING: Come to a Kairos Weekend Closing as a guest and see for yourself how the testimonies of hearts changed by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit can touch your heart! Complete and mail/email a Closing Form to be on the gate list for closing..


INVITE US TO VISIT YOUR CHURCH: We would love to tell the Kairos-Estes story directly to your church. Our select group of public speakers provides a brief and informative addition to any church service!


DONATIONS: Certainly no one will be surprised to discover that a Kairos-Estes Weekend requires donations. We make every penny count - and accountable! - but your individual and corporate financial help is crucial.


JOIN A TEAM FOR A KAIROS WEEKEND: It's a real commitment of time and energy, but everyone who has taken the plunge has come away having contributed and received a blessing quite unlike any other. Email us for additional information. Team FAQs

There are a wide variety of contributions necessary to make the Kairos-Estes prison ministry a successful and meaningful outreach to those so very much in need of the Master's touch. Hopefully, you found one or more items listed above where you feel that you - and perhaps those around you! - can make a contribution to this ministry.


Send comments about this page to KairosAtEstes@gmail.com